What do we talk about when we talk about microservices? We are referring to a software architecture approach in which an application is decomposed into small independent and autonomous parts that communicate with each other to perform specific functions. Each of those autonomous parts is called a "microservice."
Characteristics of Microservices
In a microservices architecture, each service can be developed, deployed, operated, and scaled without affecting other services. They do not need to share code with each other, and communication is done through clear interfaces.
Since there is autonomy between the different services, it allows each microservice to have its own life cycle and technology. This provides greater flexibility and adaptation to individual needs.
Each service focuses on a specific set of capabilities and is dedicated to solving a particular problem independently of the other functionalities of the system.
Each service can be scaled independently to adapt to application demand. If a service becomes complex over time, it can be broken down into smaller services, making management easier.
The independence of the services increases resistance to errors. In a monolithic architecture, a bug can affect the entire application, while in microservices, errors are handled in isolation, preventing them from affecting everything.
Microservices are often deployed in containers, such as Docker, for easier deployment and management. This allows for greater flexibility and portability in running microservices in different environments.
Microservices offer many advantages, but also introduce challenges in terms of coordination, security, and complexity management. The choice to use this approach depends on the specific needs of a project and the ability to address these challenges effectively. At Midas we are prepared to face these challenges and provide the solution that best suits the client's needs.
Microservice Architecture vs Monolithic Architecture

In conclusion:
At Midas we stand out in the agile implementation of microservices, decomposing applications into autonomous and specialized parts, overcoming and coordinating highly complex challenges, providing solutions adapted to each project. The autonomy of microservices provides flexibility and resistance to errors, backed by our experience in their efficient deployment.